A media category
all its own.
What happens when you mix comedy, storytelling, and spirituality? You get “inspotainment”—a new type of media for those seeking higher consciousness.

The idea for “inspotainment” came to me after I had written the pilot for my TV show, @thedopeassmom. I wanted the show to be different—a storyline that people could relate to, laugh at, and also…feel enlightened by. My hope is that it will help them to evolve and inspire their own spiritual transformation.
So much of what we stream today brings us down, activates our nervous system in unhealthy ways, and, frankly, doesn’t promote our evolution. Yet, more and more people are seeking to become the best, most evolved version of themselves. Inspotainment meets these audiences where they’re at, and even helps them along the ride.
Get into my head.
I’ve processed a lot over the past two years, after going through a divorce and doing deep spiritual work to make sense of it all. The woman I am now is not the woman I once was. These are the stories that make up that evolution.
Blog coming soon!